Thursday 1 January 2015

Last thoughts

Went for re-test with CHARMAINE , snap this while waited for herr! Hope she get a placement for the diploma course . Have faith Went shopping after work. Had stock soup and spent a lot like changing battery etc. matcha ice cream drink. It's nicer to have the drink the ice cream it's too much flavor hehehehe! It's good! 
Year end party !! My angel was kelvin and the angel that I had to bless was Michael . Kelvin was generous to bless me with all  my 3 wishes ☺️
ootd for the last day of 2014. I spent the last 2 minutes on the bed texting ! 

Friday 28 November 2014

After party & I didn't mean it but you are rude

I was about being "forced" by Lisa to go! HEHEHEH. Thankfully, I went. The dinner was average. The atmosphere was great, with the company of Lisa, Alfred, Shao Quan, Charmaine, Kexin, Agnes & Tan. It's actually to celebrate A's birthday. Super nice nightttt!
Red wine -> cocktail drinks macchiato -> red bull with shots 

Once she get back from her leave and course , we received a email from her. It's was actually long. Somehow , I felt that she should actually talk to us nicely face to face . I felt it could be better beachside via email it's kind of rude and she used exclamation marks . Human must be sensentive at times, think what's your action, what would other thinks, if you don't care what others think then think about how would they feel. Why don't you alert the HR/Boss about our happiness that you felt ? Saying you are keeping quite ? Like HELLO? We can't even get any direct answer from you . No matter how many times who asked . So , what's the point of telling us don't know anything just come and ask me .... Even I think some can do better than you. The way you form the emails, sentences structure. Still want to bother saying I am sure you guys know how to take down phone calls messages for me and have learnt before. Like duh, come on, if you really want to go that way. I can ! Let's go then . If you want to play and talk about rank and experiences then I don't think so . It's about the capability and qualification in SG. So sorry! I shall see , if you not happy then quit. Don't say you don't bare to leave whoever and whatever . Becausee it's just an excuse. I'm sure the company will be able to promote or find someone who is potential for the position/designation. By the way, we never said or give any remarks saying your job/work is easy. So whats the point ? Finding faults with us . WELL DONE!

Thursday 6 November 2014

Man Can Be Detail Too

Wednesday afternoon, it happened to have a great downpour. we were so lazy to go over the further blocks for outreach. No choice , we went when it became lighter. when half-way, Norman came and join us. from this short time spent with him and the team. he was very detail and keen to know every single household. I was kind of impress and surprise! its time consuming but why not we can go a little extra mile but possible, with more man-power with more pair of hands. we can go and achieve further.
happiest news was , I saw my notification on my phone. received a email from NCSS! I was over the moon! however, I have to complete a English Proficiency test which is same as GCE O Level. I am so troubled. what if I cant make it. I have pretty low confidence actually.

Thursday, lunch out with Bee hong and Yan. Both of them can really make me laugh! Bh Visited seniors here. Had to rush to bras basah later on to meet Cahrmine for my application for the test.Mummy coming back from Korea!

Tuesday night, had dinner at Porns @ Liang Seah Street with bee hong, Charmiane, Dorothy and Charmine. its really a good catch-up! really enjoy to have good company! Pass to Charmaine her planner that Qimin made. Its super cool I swear!!! loving it, I have one too ! WOAH! gonna bring it wherever I go. if I start school I will need it more. Claps to all who part-time studies in the same time. another clap for there who have to cope with kids and family!!

Recently, I found out that Jerald Foo is freaking handsommmmeeeee! Screams! HHEHHEHEHEHH

Sunday 19 October 2014


Headed back to work after 2 days of medical leave. Was having sore throat , fever and etc. don't know does it include farting as well. Fart like nobody's business!! Heheheheeee. So, I went for work as usual. Was pissed with certain issue and tear in front of VOL & some seniors. Should do that but not able to confrol at that moment. Due to some reasons there's also another reason of the doing so , the lesser the better. Went house visiting to distribute tickets . After awhile, the first person that freak me out during my intern days in the company called and fellow up as I asked if he has any contact of buses lobang... I was very susprise as he follow-up & concerned . He asked how's everything ? Good ? Okay? He even told me that if I need any help feel free to call him and don't suffer alone . I was like alright . But so funny!!!
Did not expect to get a text from him regarding work too! A different view of him after so long . 
Then went sushi express with Geraldine the headed to east village @ simpang beodk for coffee at time table cafe. Not bad! But main point was catch-up. 
Sis's bday then ryan bought a cake with letting her know that he is coming....
He waiting for her to come back till mid-night but she didn't came back after her bday. So ryan left. So sweet of a wonderful friend horrrr
While typing this , I was looking my my tissue. Couldn't find it so I opened a new one. I realize my bed area is REALLY VERY DUSTY! Shit man!!! LAZY AMANDA!


That's all ! Hehehe! 

The holiday was real short but at least I'm away from Singapore & work! It was a 3 days & 2 night. We stayed at Amari Watergate. 
The airplane food was superbbb! SIA! Good service good ... Everything is good! Loving it. I shall use photo to sum up everything as it's a last post and everything past so quickly 

Saturday 11 October 2014

Days before bkk

OHad it during lunch for one of the day! Superbb nice. 

Stay over at Val's place! Super nice parents!!! Hehehe. Enjoyed my weekend there! 

Taken last week! End of the month when in-charge wasn't around. 
Donut the other weekday! Yummm

Celebrate brother's BDAY! 

The week before at work I was very disappointed . Due to varies reasons. First, wasn't feeling very well. Hoping to submit as soon as I could the report to MSF and told them to handle the games .
Did it during my free time! Heheheh
Unfortunately they didn't. 
Days before friday , they had meetings . Came to the last solution saying there should not be staff wearing round neck tops. All had to be polo/blouses . First hand news , I was un-able to understand. Therefore, what we could do was soend more time online shopping and pay for the clothes!!
TGIF WAS WITH MY LOVELY G,BH & Ms Tay! Dinner at 283 changi road. Leslie's rasturant! Had a super good chat with all of them. About work & also lesile's life! And recently the topic of his (ON stomp) laugh die me! Everybody has it's own life to live on. Just that once in the past years dr yak told me that, do you think that postitue wants to be a postitue ? Or a person was to be a thief ? Like due to certain circumstance , they had no choice therefore, things happened in a negative way. Not saying that they don't have other chance but it's their decision. After doing it, it could be a regret . So all of us learn from our mistakes! Chill!
HEHEHEH! Lastly, he sent all of us home that stays in the east! So far, I really feels that he is kind of special. Everyone is special in their ways. And so he is! Blessed to know him and people surrounds him. Do continue to bless seniors! Yay! 

When the dates coming nearer to year end I'm more afraid that I won't be able to get a placement at SSI! Please please please! I really hope to get in! 

Went parkway with nat. This morning! It's was goood! 

Thursday 2 October 2014


I received whatsapp text from Susan (apex). She asked if I'm interested to have a change of job. I was actually surprise as it was a offer ? I guess. 
Unfortunately after thinking, I don't think I would take up. As there is interview to be done as soon as possible . She said interview only . It's not very nice When it's done so early. As in way before my contact ends. Eg: 3 months. The designation offered was therapist aid. Not something I wanted. Therefore , I don't see a point taking up. 

Regarding the salary wise, she said would opt of higher for me. I thought it was a of cos for everyone who wants to change a job. Moreover, I am only one year old on this company, if you count me after the one year bond. Isn't nicer to place a 2 year for your resume ? 

Talking about resume, I'm not even done yet. Shit...

Later this week, means tomorrow. After work , will head to Valerie's house to stay over. Hopefully dinner would be BCM @ ABC market. 
After that, Saturday will be a Malaysia trip with Adeline, Valerie & Ms Chee. 

Apparently , I drafted out the above and posted a day later. And we have decided to change the JB trip as of jam. And PH.